Gourmet News

2022骄阳似火,Allstar Communications食达文化火热携手广州兰亭永,推动川菜本真之味的传递理念。载誉等身的米其林二星主厨兰桂均回归初心,专注本真川菜制作。兰亭永已于7/22正式开启试营业,力求引领食客们以川菜为窗,窥中华料理之风雅,取经典与时代融合,呈现专属兰亭永的川菜本真之味。兰亭永坐落于广州历史建筑锡安园中,以唐宋之美为基调,与多名手作人工作室连手打造以「永」为铭的器物;以筵席川菜为载体,整合中国传统文化和人文精神,高度凝练中国饮食文化精髓,倡导高雅的东方生活方式,呈现兰亭永的当代餐桌美学,真正让饮食文化成为世界视野的链接。 In the scorching summer of 2022, Allstar Communications surprises with its collaboration with Lantingyong in Guangzhou to promote the concept of conveying the true, authentic taste of Sichuan cuisine. Lantingyong has officially opened on July 22 which introduced Executive Chef Lan Guijun’s philosophy to Guangzhou, combining the inclusiveness of the commercial port with the style of Cantonese cuisine to convey true, authentic taste.  It’s not your typical Sichuan restaurant but a well-crafted culinary experience, a harmonious integration of exquisite dishes, classic art, oriental lifestyle, and a spirited vision to link the world with food and culture. 兰亭永之味 Taste 兰亭永主厨,兰桂均先生,师从川菜大师张中尤,从业近四十年,载誉等身。享有成都米其林最高二星殊荣,是蜂网煎饺和泡椒凤爪创始人,亦是全球十佳中餐厅和年度中餐大厨获奖者。 Trained under Sichuan cuisine master Zhang Zhongyou, Chef Lan Guijun has passionately cultivated his career in the culinary industry for almost 40 years. As the creator of Crispy Wing Dumplings and Chicken Feet with Pickled Pepper, he has received numerous distinguished accolades including two Michelin stars, highest in Chengdu, 10 Top Chinese Restaurants of the World, […]

This summer, 102 House takes us on a journey through the world of Cantonese banquet cuisine and an interplay of modernity and ancient flavours in the historical ambience of the Bund. The new Summer Menu consists of 13 dishes, each being a unique interpretation of Chef Xu Jingye’s approach to true taste with diverse styles and essential commitment to umami flavours. 102 House Summer Menu 1. Golden Bell Prawn Jelly 2. Winter Melon with Orange Blossom Sauce 3. Coral Grouper on Toast 4. Crystal Prawns 5. Dried Scallops and Winter Melon Soup 6. Diced Squab and Olive Stir-fry 7. Teat Sea Cucumber Stuffed with Shrimp Paste 8. Crab Roe and Bamboo Shoots 9. 102 House Signature Sweet and Sour Pork 10. Shelduck Stew with Lychee and Lotus 11. Cantonese Shishi Chicken 12. Royal Seafood and Rice Soup 13. Sweet Pigeon Egg Soup with Fresh Lotus Seed 01 Golden Bell Prawn Jelly To start off the meal,

On March 4th and 5th, 102 House’s head chef Xu Jingye will be teaming up with Wing Lei Palace Macau’s Executive Chef Tam Kwok Fung for an exclusive four-hands collaborative event at 102 House Shanghai! Pushing the boundaries of their own undertaking of dishes, the two awarding-winning chefs have incorporated fresh ingredients and elegant flair into crafting the dedicated menu themed with “The Ultimate in Flavour”, vigorously showcasing the bests of Cantonese cuisine. 万物之始,大道至简,衍化至繁。而本次二位主厨以「本味致臻」为题,旨在通过烹调突出食材的本味,因为二位化繁为简,尽量不触及干货食材,认为食材的本味是至真的味道,亦是通往珍(致)贵(臻)味道的一种方式。本次是二位主厨珠联璧合的创造之举,也是一场只属于舌尖的庆典。晚宴定价2380元/人+10%服务费,将开放两轮餐位,第一轮为17:00-20:00,第二轮为20:20-23:20。可通过电话预订。二位主厨以至诚之心共同打造致敬世间至真至纯之食材。 The greatest truths are the simplest. “The Ultimate in Flavour” has been chosen as the theme of the event, as the talented duo try their best not to use dried foods and honour the belief that the true and most essential of ingredients is in their purest, simplest form. This is a ground-breaking collaboration between the two chefs and revelry for the taste buds. The dinner event comes at RMB2,380 per person plus 10% service charge with two-time slots from 17:00-20:00 and

2021 年 9月 26日,上海 – 沪上知名餐饮品牌漢舍精心打造升级之作— “漢舍中国菜馆臻选店”,9月26日于新兴地标商场瑞虹天地太阳宫正式对外营业。厚积薄发十三年,本次漢舍将品牌诞生之初的想法——“中国人的家”理念全面优化提升,持续探索优质时令食材,研发更为精致可口的中式味道。 Shanghai, 26 September 2021 – Shanghai’s leading restaurant brand Madam Zhu’s Kitchen officially launches its reserve store at Ruihong Tiandi Sun Palace, the largest commercial complex in Hongkou. With thirteen years of practice and experience, the launch of the reserve venue is a major step forward of the restaurant’s original endeavour – creating the place of Chinese home dining, as it continues exploring quality ingredients and harnessing culinary techniques to forge delicious Chinese flavours. 汉舍中国菜馆臻选店 Madam Zhu’s Kitchen Reserve 2008年,漢舍中国菜馆在上海浦东丁香路创立, 迄今已是历久弥新的经典中餐品牌。上海889广场店自2017年起连续五年荣获米其林餐盘推荐,上海丁香店入围2021黑珍珠餐厅指南。成立迄今,漢舍致力体现中国料理的多样性,让食客们一年四季来到漢舍用餐时,就像造访五湖四海朋友们家里一样,能够在享用应季食材的同时品尝到风情万种的美味佳肴,呈上餐桌的每道菜肴都仿佛倾注妈妈们的用心,别有家的风味。 Established in 2008 on Dingxiang Road in Pudong, Shanghai, Madam Zhu’s Kitchen has been a long-established traditional Chinese restaurant brand. The branch at 889 Plaza has been recommended by the Michelin Plate for five consecutive years since 2017, and the Dingxiang Road venue has been listed in the 2021 Black Pearl Restaurant Guide. Madam Zhu’s Kitchen has been committed to honouring the rich tapestry of Chinese cuisine, offering

Together with the comfort breeze in early autumn, 8 1/2 Otto e Mezzo BOMBANA Shanghai launched brand new lunch menu of September. As the brilliant yet soft sunshine, the whole menu, from appetizer to the main course, presents diverse Sicilian ocean flavor, a truly feast with early autumn delicacies.

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