Gourmet News

褪去夏的青芒,换上秋的金黄。褪去夏的热烈,谱写秋的诗篇。时序入秋,Talib Hudda主厨应季节变化,为Refer菜单注入秋季元素,在厨房尽情挥洒奇思妙想,将应季食材解构重塑,勾勒出富含深意的曼妙佳肴。 The halcyon days of summer secretly slipped away, the golden leaves of autumn dressing up. Summer’s heat has been shed, for the poetry of autumn to begin. As we capture this season of striking change, chef Talib Hudda is blending autumnal elements into Refer’s seasonal menu, bringing the kitchen to life with a creative interpretation of seasonal ingredients to craft inspirational dishes. 加拿大牡丹虾|Canadian B.C. Spot Prawn 旱金莲 Nasturtium|番茄 Tomato|皱皮柠檬 Kaffir Lime 秋天是番茄的最佳赏味季,将番茄打碎冰冻透析出番茄清汤,鲜甜爽口。滴上精选泰国皱皮柠檬的精油,带来青柠和香茅香气。与艳红且香甜的牡丹虾搭配,佐以鲜艳多彩的旱金莲,视觉和味蕾都宛如体验一场艺术佳作。 Tomatoes are ripe and ready during these cooler months of the year. Tomatoes are freshly crushed and chilled to make a sweet, refreshing broth. Drops of Thai Kaffir lime essential oil are drizzled to add acidity and fragrance to the whole context. Paired with sweet, succulent Canadian spot prawn and colourful nasturtium petals, this dish is a work of art both for the eyes and the taste buds. 帝王蟹 | King Crab 湖南烟熏腊肉 Hunan Aged Smoked Pork Fat | 棕黄油 Brown […]

Cellar To Table正如其名,“从酒窖到餐桌”,以Bistronomy餐酒馆概念,将轻松休闲的葡萄酒品鉴与用餐文化概念相融合作。完整的美味体验美食和餐酒同等重要,作为拥有上海藏酒最丰富酒窖之一的餐厅,在酒单琳琅满目的好酒之间,究竟如何挑选佐餐酒搭配?来自智利的主厨Francisco Javier Araya和甜点主厨Fernanda Guerrero特别为食客们推荐了几道Cellar To Table不可错过的菜品,餐厅主理人,拥有丰富葡萄酒知识的Philippe Huser也分享他所推荐的餐酒搭配选择。之后将持续为食客们介绍专属于Cellar To Table的餐酒完美搭配指南! Cellar To Table has liven up to its name in every sense of the term. Conceptualised from the popular ‘bistronomy’, Cellar To Table is a cosy, well-designed wine bar and bistro that combines causal wine tasting and dining culture to offer quality wines as well as complete dining experience. Should you ever get hesitative about choosing the right wine from one of Shanghai’s most extensive wine lists offered by the restaurant, Chilian chef Francisco Javier Araya and pastry chef Fernanda Guerrero have recommended some of Cellar To Table’s must-try dishes, and Philippe Huser, the restaurant’s owner, with years of reliable wine knowledge, has also shared some tips for your perfect wine pairing options. A comprehensive guide for food and wine pairing at Cellar To Table will be up and ready exclusively for diners! 餐酒搭配推荐 Ⅰ Drunken pigeon 醉鸽 | Sherry oloroso | 欧罗索雪莉酒 + 单杯酒:Ornellaia Le Volte 2018 瓶装酒:Domaine Pascal

Obscura 的“新中菜 · 心中菜 ”理念,是主厨 DeAille 和 Simon 对中国食文化的诠释。他们通过多年的探索与研习,传承了中国传统的美食文化,并以此为基础,加入了他们独到的理解重新创作,这是 Obscura 的灵魂。而由日本首屈一指的碳素产品制造商 ANAORI 推出的 ANAORI kakugama 碳锅,亦是传统与创新的完美融合,结合最新科技与天然材料,与 Obscura 的料理理念不谋而合。近期,DeAille 与 ANAORI 合作,用这款突破性的炊具,演绎出几款各具特色的佳肴。 Obscura’s Innovative Modern Chinese Cuisine is DeAille and Simon’s deeply personal interpretation of Chinese culinary culture. At the heart of this vision are years of research into the history and traditions of China’s diverse regional cuisines, reconstructed through a modern lens. This approach of combining tradition and innovation is also central to Japanese brand ANAORI, a leader in manufacturing carbon graphite products. Their new ANAORI kakugama is a breakthrough cooking tool that combines new technologies and natural materials in a unique design. Chef DeAille has partnered with ANAORI to present several distinctive dishes tailored for this exceptional, versatile cookware. ANAORI Carbon 品牌拥有超过半世纪的碳素科技专业知识。创办人穴织英一小时候,父亲会用工厂的碳块烤番薯给他吃。碳烤番薯的色香味烙印在他的童年记忆,驱使他创设 ANAORI 品牌。 ANAORI has more than half a century of experience in the field of carbon graphite technology. The company was founded by Eiichi Anaori, who, as a child, would watch his

“夫礼之初,始诸饮食”根植于江淮文化的淮扬美食,历史悠久,积淀深厚。食庐传承经典淮扬,又以创新精神重新诠释淮扬美食,带来属于食庐独特的“新淮扬”料理。 The dietary activities of the ancestors were major sources of China’s etiquette. Nurtured with a long history and rich culture, Huaiyang cuisine is an epitome of the fertile lands and produce of the lower reaches of the Huai and Yangtze rivers. The Hut is revitalising ancient culinary treasures while honouring tradition to bring forward new Huaiyang cuisine that’s unique to the restaurant, simple but without losing refinement. 原淮扬菜是指流行于江苏扬州、镇江、淮安及其附近地域的菜肴,是江苏菜系的代表性风味。从地理上看地接长江,紧挨着京杭大运河,从古至今就是富庶的鱼米之乡。淮扬菜的兴起可追溯与距今1400多年前的隋朝。隋朝大运河修建期间,隋炀帝曾经三下江都,客观上促进了淮扬菜的发展。而到了清朝,康熙与乾隆频频南巡,逗留淮安与扬州,淮扬菜发展已经成熟,受到了两位帝王的推崇。当时便出现了名气极大的“全鳝席”、“红烧狮子头”、“钦工肉圆”、“淮安文楼汤包”、“马鞍桥”、“三套鸭”、“大煮干丝”等淮扬经典菜。与鲁、川、粤菜共同成为中国“四大菜系”之一。49年的开国第一宴、50周年国庆宴也都是淮扬菜。 Traditionally, Huaiyang cuisine is derived from the native cooking styles centred on the cities of Huai’an, Yangzhou and Zhenjiang in Jiangsu Province. Geographically connected to the Yangtze River and next to the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, the Huaiyang region has been known since ancient times as a “land of fish and rice”. The rise of Huaiyang cuisine can be traced back to more than 1400 years ago, when Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty visited Jiangdu (in modern Yangzhou, Jiangsu) three times during the construction of the

食达文化携手上海人气餐厅Obscura主厨谭绮文、王思鸣与中国龙头科技集团美的,促成他们与美的家电产品合作。秉持美的创造产品的“初心”,以星厨的专业与坚持,共同研发定制菜谱,助力用户在家庭中解锁米其林风味。 DeAille Tam and Simon Wong of the highly sought-after Shanghai restaurant Obscura have joined hands with the leading Chinese home appliance brand Midea, a cooperation made successfully by Allstar Communications. With the brand’s persistence on product quality and the chefs’ professional culinary skills, they will work together to develop customised recipes to help unlock Michelin flavours at home. 美的是国内领先的消费电器品牌,拥有行业最完整的微波炉产业链,是目前全球主要的微波炉制造基地。美的汇聚全球研发力量,近年持续推出引领行业标准的产品,只为将更轻松的使用体验带给用户。 Midea is a top home appliance maker in China with a complete industry chain to rank it among world-leading microwave oven manufacturers in recent years. By bringing together global resources and R&D capabilities, Midea has been launching cutting-edge products that are easy to use and with outstanding quality. Obscura双主厨谭绮文、王思鸣不忘初心,深入探索关于中国风土的故与新,寻找菜品的创作灵感。在传统的中式元素和文化为创作基础上,注入多种烹饪技法和从心出发的创意巧思,形塑出专属于他们的“新中菜‧心中菜”。谭绮文主厨更是在今年斩获了2021年度“亚洲最佳女厨师”殊荣,成为中国大陆首位获得此荣誉的女性主厨。 DeAille and Simon spent a lot of time touring China to experience the many facets of Chinese culinary culture. Throughout their journey, they explored both traditions and innovations, and deepened their understanding of the countrys diverse regional cuisines. The menu at Obscura is constructed with the knowledge

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