客户资讯|澳洲黑松露Melanosporum强势回归8 1/2 Otto e Mezzo BOMBANA

澳大利亚黑松露Melanosporum正绽放馨香,是时候前来品鉴由主厨Riccardo La Perna呈现的当季经典黑松露佳肴!
Australian black truffle has arrived in 8 1/2 Otto e Mezzo BOMBANA Shanghai. It is time to enjoy the classic tuber melanosporum feast! 

随着申城步入炎热的三伏天,大洋彼岸南半球的澳大利亚却是凛冬已至,此时正是珍馐食材黑松露Melanosporum的绝佳赏味季。令人回味无穷的澳大利亚黑松露已正式在上海8 1/2 Otto e Mezzo BOMBANA登场,随着主厨Riccardo La Perna匠心设计的黑松露经典套餐,展开一回清雅幽香的味觉之旅。
While Shanghai enters into mid-summer, winter has come in the southern hemisphere in Australia. Now is the unprecedented season to enjoy the gorgeous ingredient – Tuber melanosporum black truffle. Along with Chef Riccardo La Perna’s latest Signature Black Truffle Menu, an ultimate taste journey full of black truffle delicacies is about to begin.


Signature Black Truffle Menu


3880 RMB Per person


Tagliatelle|homemade pasta, fresh wild mushrooms, fresh black truffle


You should never miss chef’s signature black truffle tagliatelle. Daily made by the kitchen, Tagliatelle is cooked with butter and Parmesan cheese. Before tasting, chef will shave the fresh black truffle on top for you, an unforgettable fragrance will burst out in your mouth.



“Rossini”|pan seared Australian Wagyu beef tenderloin & foie gras, black truffle sauce, whipped potatoes, fresh black truffle


Pan-fried Australian beef tenderloin tastes tender and sweet with its proportioned fat. Aside with roast foie gras with truffle sauce, mashed potatoes and fresh black truffles. A paradise for meat lovers.


Risotto|Italian carnaroli riserva, parmigiano, fresh black truffle


Aged Carnaroli rice is cooked in a traditional Italian way, served with aromatic cheese to add sourness and the rich aroma. The fresh black truffle on the top enhances the dish to a higher ground.


Looking forward to welcoming you to taste the black diamond on the table!


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