【客户资讯】Obscura by 唐香 | 主厨谭绮文联手 ANAORI,用尖端碳石墨锅演绎料理新「煮」意

Obscura 的“新中菜 · 心中菜 ”理念,是主厨 DeAille 和 Simon 对中国食文化的诠释。他们通过多年的探索与研习,传承了中国传统的美食文化,并以此为基础,加入了他们独到的理解重新创作,这是 Obscura 的灵魂。而由日本首屈一指的碳素产品制造商 ANAORI 推出的 ANAORI kakugama 碳锅,亦是传统与创新的完美融合,结合最新科技与天然材料,与 Obscura 的料理理念不谋而合。近期,DeAille 与 ANAORI 合作,用这款突破性的炊具,演绎出几款各具特色的佳肴。

Obscura’s Innovative Modern Chinese Cuisine is DeAille and Simon’s deeply personal interpretation of Chinese culinary culture. At the heart of this vision are years of research into the history and traditions of China’s diverse regional cuisines, reconstructed through a modern lens. This approach of combining tradition and innovation is also central to Japanese brand ANAORI, a leader in manufacturing carbon graphite products. Their new ANAORI kakugama is a breakthrough cooking tool that combines new technologies and natural materials in a unique design. Chef DeAille has partnered with ANAORI to present several distinctive dishes tailored for this exceptional, versatile cookware.

ANAORI Carbon 品牌拥有超过半世纪的碳素科技专业知识。创办人穴织英一小时候,父亲会用工厂的碳块烤番薯给他吃。碳烤番薯的色香味烙印在他的童年记忆,驱使他创设 ANAORI 品牌。

ANAORI has more than half a century of experience in the field of carbon graphite technology. The company was founded by Eiichi Anaori, who, as a child, would watch his father heat chunks of carbon from the factory to roast sweet potatoes. It was memories like this that compelled him to establish the ANAORI brand.

随着资源稀缺以及环境持续受到冲击,经过长年反覆测试的碳石墨,已成为取代金属,最先进的材料之一。 穴织英一提案,将碳石墨广泛应用于日常生活之中,并借此促进人与自然对话。充满热忱的理念,与探寻日本料理本质的料理人小山裕久,一拍即合,两人协力将碳石墨这一尖端素材融合日本料理智慧,研发出品牌的旗舰产品:ANAORI kakugama 碳锅。

With growing consciousness about resource scarcity and environmental impact, carbon graphite stands at the forefront of metal replacement technology. Eiichi Anaori became increasingly compelled to facilitate our connection to nature by introducing the versatility of carbon graphite into our everyday lives, which led him to partner with chef Hirohisa Koyama. The two created ANAORI kakugama, a flagship carbon graphite product that combines advanced technology with the wisdom of Japanese cuisine.

碳石墨是一种抗损、耐热、耐腐蚀,同时导热和导电性能极佳的矿物材料。这些卓绝的优点让它特别适用于烹饪。ANAORI kakugama 碳锅造型简约,从一整块碳石墨雕刻而成,雕塑出一座外方内圆、风格极简的立方体。周围边、角的细腻半圆设计,灵感源自日本茶屋建筑中一种名为“几帐面”的形式。 一台碳锅便可驾驭烤、炖、煮、炸、蒸五种烹饪方式,无论采用哪种烹调方式,都能提升每一道食材的精髓。这款美器突破了烹饪器材的设计极限,将高端功能性与浑然天成的造型完美、高雅地融为一体。

Carbon graphite offers many exceptional qualities that make it ideal for cooking, including resistance to wear, heat and acids, as well as excellent thermal and electrical conductivity. ANAORI kakugama is carved from a solid block of carbon graphite into a cube-shaped vessel with a circular interior. Its chamfered edges were inspired by Japanese tea ceremony. The kakugama can be used for grilling, simmering, poaching, frying and steaming, and enhances the essence of each ingredient.

这款独一无二的炊具给 DeAille 带来了许多新的创作灵感。她与来自世界四大洲的24位名厨一起,参与了 ANAORI “自然煮意大师之旅” 的国际巡回活动,并特为 ANAORI kakugama 碳锅打造了一道荷叶乳鸽,灵感源自荷叶鸡。广东乳鸽经过一整晚腌制入味后,填入蘑菇馅,裹上猪网油,包入新鲜荷叶,随后放入碳锅,增添风味之余也最大程度上锁住了汁水。出锅后的鸽子从荷叶中取出,再反复淋上热油让表皮更脆,最后伴以鸭肝酱,刨上澳大利亚黑松露,香气馥郁迷人。

DeAille has been much inspired by this unique piece of cookware. Joining 24 esteemed chefs across four continents in the global Naturality Tour by ANAORI, she has created a special dish for the kakugama: Lotus Baked Pigeon, based on the traditional recipe of lotus baked chicken. Cantonese pigeon is marinated overnight to infuse the flesh with enticing aromatics, and filled with mushroom stuffing. Once wrapped in caul fat and fresh lotus leaf, the pigeon is cooked in the kakugama to lock in its juices and flavors, before we remove it from its wrapping and crisp up the skin. The succulent bird is served with foie gras sauce, and finally showered with freshly shaved Australian winter truffle.

Obscura 本季菜单中也呈现了三道特别菜肴,展现了 ANAORI kakugama 碳锅的多样潜力。首先是 DeAille 和 Simon 创造的“青椒炒腊肉”:碳锅独特的上盖烤盘可以烤至极高的温度,将螺丝椒置于其上,高温炙烤使得表面微焦,染上幽深的烟火气息,将湖南别具特色的的烟熏风味展现得更为淋漓尽致。以东北的葱烧海参和饺子为灵感的“久财”,则将海参放入锅体内炖煮。浑圆的内部确保了热量在烹饪时能均匀分散,并完好封存食材的营养精华,锁住原汁原味,而盖上桧木和碳石墨的两重盖子,就能像高压锅一样快速地进行炖煮,将海参的软糯胶质完全释放出来。

The current menu at Obscura also features three dishes that showcase the versatility of the ANAORI kakugama. The much-loved “Hunan Bacon & Pepper” gains some new dimensions with the kakugama. Corkscrew pepper is charred on the carbon graphite lid to produce a smoky aroma, and transformed into a deeply flavored sauce to accentuate our Wagyu tenderloin. The rounded pot of the kakugama is used to braise our sea cucumber for the Shandong-inspired “Harmony of Lu.” The combination of hinoki cypress and carbon graphite lids forms an ideal seal to lock in the essence and nutrients, creating even heat distribution that breaks down the sea cucumber into its luscious, gelatinous form.


Finally, we present an elegant dessert around some beautiful peaches from Wuxi, Jiangsu. The peaches are slowly macerated in their own juices within the kakugama to retain all the flavor and moisture. The delicate aroma from the cypress lid imparts itself into the peaches, adding another dimension and further enhancing the dining experience. The dessert is served with house-made smoked yogurt, and topped with our Moutai sorbet to invigorate your palate.


公关副总监 Lucy Lee,
公关专员 Daniel Zhu,
For further media/PR inquiry,
please contact Allstar Communications Ltd.,
Associate Public Relations Director / Lucy Lee, lucylee@allstarcomms.com
PR Executive /Daniel Zhu, danielzhu@allstarcomms.com


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