
银滩集团携三家米其林餐厅荣誉而归 2022年 3月4日,成都——随着开春迎来喜讯,成都首届米其林指南颁奖典礼已于2月25日正式颁发,银滩集团喜讯连连,旗下以“宋风雅韵”为主题的餐厅银廬荣获米其林指南入选餐厅,隐庐·古法川菜也一并获得米其林指南入选餐厅,银锅更是获得米其林一星的荣誉。本次现场一共为9家星级餐厅举办授星仪式,其中包括1家二星餐厅,8家一星餐厅和13家必比登推介餐厅,28家米其林指南入选餐厅(原“米其林餐盘餐厅”),以及特别奖项——米其林服务奖。 关于银廬 银廬贯彻文人食养之道,传承与钻研古法川菜,顺应古代“春生、夏长、秋收、冬藏”的烹饪理念,以季节时令菜肴入馔,除了将现有存世食谱中的宋代特色菜肴进行复原和适当创新,更重现达官显贵、文化名流会聚形制,传承国蜀匠人的传统技艺,一菜一肴精工细作,还原极尽考究的老成都公馆菜,烹调出“食不厌精,脍不厌细”别具特色的佳肴。餐厅以宋为名,还原精致东方美学,以注入宋代「点茶、焚香、插花、挂画」四艺,将日常生活提升至艺术境界,体验文人墨客的雅致格调。“像宋人一样生活”“列炉焚香”,在日益浮躁的当下,银廬就是你放下喧嚣和浮躁,拥有雅致怡情体验的心灵栖所,当东方古雅重现银盧,全景沉浸式的“宋”式生活体验,势必将会带来一场穿越千年的风韵雅事。 银廬主理人周子铃女士 银廬创始人周子铃女士是土生土长的成都人,2002年建立银滩餐饮集团,自此踏上对极致美味的探寻之路。从遥远的澳洲塔斯马尼亚到故里四川阿坝,她每年远赴海外,穿越了40多个国家只为了探索优质和最新食材。不仅如此,她的足迹还遍及全球米其林餐厅,亲赴各国各地学习烹饪理念融入自身的餐饮品牌,坚持至今已迈入第19年。她先后创立了旗下银滩,隐庐,银锅等多家餐厅,涵盖地道海鲜火锅,古法川菜,精致融合川菜,并致力推动川菜走向国际化。同时她身兼数职,包括成都美食之都促进会副秘书长,法国美食协会会员,优家荟四川分会副会长以及旅游卫视-世界游外景嘉宾。 对于此次银滩集团旗下三间餐厅双双获奖,周子铃女士表示十分荣幸并仍将持续不断的寻找来自世界和本土的顶级食材,致力于以优雅的方式精致展现川味精髓,让世界看到川菜的多样性。在未来的旅程中,银滩集团将不断超越自己,与更多客人一起创造更美好的用餐体验,为世界呈现更优雅、更创新的现代川菜。   银廬 地址:成都市双流区天府大道南一段麓客岛 (麓湖天府美食岛内) 营业时间 :周一至周日 11:00-21:00 联系电话:028-63286688     传媒联络: 食达文化传播有限公司  资深传播顾问 Daniel Zhu,

On March 4th and 5th, 102 House’s head chef Xu Jingye will be teaming up with Wing Lei Palace Macau’s Executive Chef Tam Kwok Fung for an exclusive four-hands collaborative event at 102 House Shanghai! Pushing the boundaries of their own undertaking of dishes, the two awarding-winning chefs have incorporated fresh ingredients and elegant flair into crafting the dedicated menu themed with “The Ultimate in Flavour”, vigorously showcasing the bests of Cantonese cuisine. 万物之始,大道至简,衍化至繁。而本次二位主厨以「本味致臻」为题,旨在通过烹调突出食材的本味,因为二位化繁为简,尽量不触及干货食材,认为食材的本味是至真的味道,亦是通往珍(致)贵(臻)味道的一种方式。本次是二位主厨珠联璧合的创造之举,也是一场只属于舌尖的庆典。晚宴定价2380元/人+10%服务费,将开放两轮餐位,第一轮为17:00-20:00,第二轮为20:20-23:20。可通过电话预订。二位主厨以至诚之心共同打造致敬世间至真至纯之食材。 The greatest truths are the simplest. “The Ultimate in Flavour” has been chosen as the theme of the event, as the talented duo try their best not to use dried foods and honour the belief that the true and most essential of ingredients is in their purest, simplest form. This is a ground-breaking collaboration between the two chefs and revelry for the taste buds. The dinner event comes at RMB2,380 per person plus 10% service charge with two-time slots from 17:00-20:00 and

“夫礼之初,始诸饮食”根植于江淮文化的淮扬美食,历史悠久,积淀深厚。食庐传承经典淮扬,又以创新精神重新诠释淮扬美食,带来属于食庐独特的“新淮扬”料理。 The dietary activities of the ancestors were major sources of China’s etiquette. Nurtured with a long history and rich culture, Huaiyang cuisine is an epitome of the fertile lands and produce of the lower reaches of the Huai and Yangtze rivers. The Hut is revitalising ancient culinary treasures while honouring tradition to bring forward new Huaiyang cuisine that’s unique to the restaurant, simple but without losing refinement. 原淮扬菜是指流行于江苏扬州、镇江、淮安及其附近地域的菜肴,是江苏菜系的代表性风味。从地理上看地接长江,紧挨着京杭大运河,从古至今就是富庶的鱼米之乡。淮扬菜的兴起可追溯与距今1400多年前的隋朝。隋朝大运河修建期间,隋炀帝曾经三下江都,客观上促进了淮扬菜的发展。而到了清朝,康熙与乾隆频频南巡,逗留淮安与扬州,淮扬菜发展已经成熟,受到了两位帝王的推崇。当时便出现了名气极大的“全鳝席”、“红烧狮子头”、“钦工肉圆”、“淮安文楼汤包”、“马鞍桥”、“三套鸭”、“大煮干丝”等淮扬经典菜。与鲁、川、粤菜共同成为中国“四大菜系”之一。49年的开国第一宴、50周年国庆宴也都是淮扬菜。 Traditionally, Huaiyang cuisine is derived from the native cooking styles centred on the cities of Huai’an, Yangzhou and Zhenjiang in Jiangsu Province. Geographically connected to the Yangtze River and next to the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, the Huaiyang region has been known since ancient times as a “land of fish and rice”. The rise of Huaiyang cuisine can be traced back to more than 1400 years ago, when Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty visited Jiangdu (in modern Yangzhou, Jiangsu) three times during the construction of the

我们近期推出的全新「Obscura 特调 · 茶」系列,是 Obscura 料理与美学理念的延续。Obscura 首席茶酒师 Ares 从中国各地的传统茶文化中寻得灵感,以他的独到见解注入创新元素并反复调试,最终成就了这套独一无二的「Obscura 特调 · 茶」。 The recently launched “Obscura Tea Infusions” pairing is a continuation of Obscura’s cuisine and design philosophy. Drawing from the diverse regional tea traditions around China, our house sommelier Ares renders each drink through Obscura’s distinctive perspective, culminating in this unique tea infusions pairing. 上一期中,我们深入介绍了发酵工艺在「Obscura 特调 · 茶」系列中扮演的重要角色。今天,就让我们一起了解一下另三款特调茶吧。 Last time, we explored the key role of fermentation in three of our tea infusions. Today, let’s delve into the other three concoctions.   一舍一选 x Obscura Sparkling tea 开启这场独特茶体验的第一杯特调茶,是 Obscura 与一舍一选合作的一款气泡茶。一舍一选这个茶品牌诞生于2015年,创立初心是通过创新的制茶方式让年轻人爱上中国传统茶饮,将茶融入当代人的日常生活之中。 创始人多年前在一次音乐节上,听到了一首把中国古琴和笛子进行 remix 的电音曲,震撼之余也给他带来了灵感:茶叶是不是也能通过 remix 来让年轻人喜爱?而这个 remix 元素,就是气泡。当两千年的茶文化和上百年的茶树与气泡、碳酸融合,带来的是一种不可言喻的兴奋体验。 Our first tea infusion is a collaboration with “Yi She Yi Xuan,” a local tea brand founded in 2015 that aims to bring tea into modern life. Years ago, at an electronic music festival, the founder was greatly moved by a remix of ancient Chinese instruments, which inspired an idea: why not remix tea so that more

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