2024.6-7 | 回望6月永利客座美味浪潮 展望7月四手飨宴画卷
Monthly Recap & Preview(July – August): Wynn Guest Chef Pop-up Series in Macau
In Macau’s summer, the breeze carries the scent of verdant greenery and a faint hint of the sea. Renowned chefs perform grandly at Wynn, with Chef Tam’s Seasons presenting creative cuisine in collaboration with Hansik Goo. The Wynn Lei Restaurant collaborates with Song Chinese Cuisine to showcase a unique and exquisite culinary artistry.
Allstar夏季飨宴 | 7月永利粤味四手碰撞 8月见证名厨精彩联合
澳门夏日,风中带着青翠的味道与淡淡的海洋气息。Allstar Communications食达文化携手澳门永利渡假村,名厨四手在这里盛大演绎,谭卉与创意韩料Hansik Goo交织,永利轩与宋·川菜泼洒独一无二的精湛厨艺色彩。
新加坡 | 食达文化与圣淘沙名胜世界携作 筹划中国精致餐饮客座系列
2024年6月起,Allstar Communications食达文化携手新加坡圣淘沙名胜世界,共同筹划“中国精致餐饮客座系列”。我们将邀请来自中国各地的米其林和黑珍珠餐厅名厨们前往新加坡圣淘沙名胜世界客座。让美食跨越国界,在狮城献上一系列令人惊喜的时令美馔,让人尽享在圣淘沙美妙的度假时光。
Monthly Preview: Wynn Guest Chef Pop-up Series in Macau
September shines with the brilliance of Southern cuisine, featuring a powerful collaboration of Cantonese chefs that showcases the flavors of the coastal region. Wynn Resorts Macau partners with Allstar to offer a world-class culinary experience, where the convergence of sea and land brings an abundance of charm.
Allstar秋季飨宴 | 9月辉映大师共谱盛宴华章
2024.6-7 | 回望6月永利客座美味浪潮 展望7月四手飨宴画卷
Monthly Recap & Preview(July – August): Wynn Guest Chef Pop-up Series in Macau
In Macau’s summer, the breeze carries the scent of verdant greenery and a faint hint of the sea. Renowned chefs perform grandly at Wynn, with Chef Tam’s Seasons presenting creative cuisine in collaboration with Hansik Goo. The Wynn Lei Restaurant collaborates with Song Chinese Cuisine to showcase a unique and exquisite culinary artistry.
Allstar夏季飨宴 | 7月永利粤味四手碰撞 8月见证名厨精彩联合
澳门夏日,风中带着青翠的味道与淡淡的海洋气息。Allstar Communications食达文化携手澳门永利渡假村,名厨四手在这里盛大演绎,谭卉与创意韩料Hansik Goo交织,永利轩与宋·川菜泼洒独一无二的精湛厨艺色彩。
新加坡 | 食达文化与圣淘沙名胜世界携作 筹划中国精致餐饮客座系列
2024年6月起,Allstar Communications食达文化携手新加坡圣淘沙名胜世界,共同筹划“中国精致餐饮客座系列”。我们将邀请来自中国各地的米其林和黑珍珠餐厅名厨们前往新加坡圣淘沙名胜世界客座。让美食跨越国界,在狮城献上一系列令人惊喜的时令美馔,让人尽享在圣淘沙美妙的度假时光。
Monthly Preview: Wynn Guest Chef Pop-up Series in Macau
September shines with the brilliance of Southern cuisine, featuring a powerful collaboration of Cantonese chefs that showcases the flavors of the coastal region. Wynn Resorts Macau partners with Allstar to offer a world-class culinary experience, where the convergence of sea and land brings an abundance of charm.
Allstar秋季飨宴 | 9月辉映大师共谱盛宴华章