影音作品 欢迎联系洽谈拍摄合作事宜。 Sushi Fujimoto |Pursuit of Authenticity and Excellence 還原經典,精益求精 Mountain and Sea House:Revisiting the Glory of Taiwanese Cuisine 華燈初上,山海樓重現 1930 年代台菜風華 Interview with Cantonese Cuisine Master Max Wo of Silks House Taipei (Ⅱ) 對談台北晶華軒粵菜大廚鄔海明:作菜先學做人!(下) 台北INITA,意式料理融入大阪喜劇之魂 INITA Taipei: Italian Cuisine Infused with Osaka Comedy Interview with Cantonese Cuisine Master Max Wo of Silks House Taipei (Ⅰ) 對談台北晶華軒粵菜大廚鄔海明:作菜先學做人!(上) Yong | True Flavour and Cultural Elegance 蘭亭永|品本真之味 賞文化之雅 Scooping the Seventh Michelin Star: Niko Romito Embraces Vegetables摘下七顆星 意大利三星主廚Niko Romito 擁抱蔬食料理 In Search of the Best Pizza in the World 世界最佳 Pizza - Pepe in Grani 更多影音作品