Chef Agent

食达文化携手上海人气餐厅Obscura主厨谭绮文、王思鸣与中国龙头科技集团美的,促成他们与美的家电产品合作。秉持美的创造产品的“初心”,以星厨的专业与坚持,共同研发定制菜谱,助力用户在家庭中解锁米其林风味。 DeAille Tam and Simon Wong of the highly sought-after Shanghai restaurant Obscura have joined hands with the leading Chinese home appliance brand Midea, a cooperation made successfully by Allstar Communications. With the brand’s persistence on product quality and the chefs’ professional culinary skills, they will work together to develop customised recipes to help unlock Michelin flavours at home. 美的是国内领先的消费电器品牌,拥有行业最完整的微波炉产业链,是目前全球主要的微波炉制造基地。美的汇聚全球研发力量,近年持续推出引领行业标准的产品,只为将更轻松的使用体验带给用户。 Midea is a top home appliance maker in China with a complete industry chain to rank it among world-leading microwave oven manufacturers in recent years. By bringing together global resources and R&D capabilities, Midea has been launching cutting-edge products that are easy to use and with outstanding quality. Obscura双主厨谭绮文、王思鸣不忘初心,深入探索关于中国风土的故与新,寻找菜品的创作灵感。在传统的中式元素和文化为创作基础上,注入多种烹饪技法和从心出发的创意巧思,形塑出专属于他们的“新中菜‧心中菜”。谭绮文主厨更是在今年斩获了2021年度“亚洲最佳女厨师”殊荣,成为中国大陆首位获得此荣誉的女性主厨。 DeAille and Simon spent a lot of time touring China to experience the many facets of Chinese culinary culture. Throughout their journey, they explored both traditions and innovations, and deepened their understanding of the countrys diverse regional cuisines. The menu at Obscura is constructed with the knowledge […]

After months of communication across different time zones, we are excited to announce the official cooperation with Michelin one-starred chef Luigi Taglienti. Allstar will be Mr. Luigi Taglienti’s sole agent in all cooperation negotiations and chef agency issues in Greater China.

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