Obscura | Explore the “Obscura Tea Infusions” Pairing (Part 2)

我们近期推出的全新「Obscura 特调 · 茶」系列,是 Obscura 料理与美学理念的延续。Obscura 首席茶酒师 Ares 从中国各地的传统茶文化中寻得灵感,以他的独到见解注入创新元素并反复调试,最终成就了这套独一无二的「Obscura 特调 · 茶」。

The recently launched “Obscura Tea Infusions” pairing is a continuation of Obscura’s cuisine and design philosophy. Drawing from the diverse regional tea traditions around China, our house sommelier Ares renders each drink through Obscura’s distinctive perspective, culminating in this unique tea infusions pairing.

上一期中,我们深入介绍了发酵工艺在「Obscura 特调 · 茶」系列中扮演的重要角色。今天,就让我们一起了解一下另三款特调茶吧。

Last time, we explored the key role of fermentation in three of our tea infusions. Today, let’s delve into the other three concoctions.


一舍一选 x Obscura
Sparkling tea

开启这场独特茶体验的第一杯特调茶,是 Obscura 与一舍一选合作的一款气泡茶。一舍一选这个茶品牌诞生于2015年,创立初心是通过创新的制茶方式让年轻人爱上中国传统茶饮,将茶融入当代人的日常生活之中。 创始人多年前在一次音乐节上,听到了一首把中国古琴和笛子进行 remix 的电音曲,震撼之余也给他带来了灵感:茶叶是不是也能通过 remix 来让年轻人喜爱?而这个 remix 元素,就是气泡。当两千年的茶文化和上百年的茶树与气泡、碳酸融合,带来的是一种不可言喻的兴奋体验。

Our first tea infusion is a collaboration with “Yi She Yi Xuan,” a local tea brand founded in 2015 that aims to bring tea into modern life. Years ago, at an electronic music festival, the founder was greatly moved by a remix of ancient Chinese instruments, which inspired an idea: why not remix tea so that more young people would fall in love with this ancient drink? The medium for this remix is bubbles, creating an ineffable thrill when incorporated into the 2,000-year-old culture of tea.


The research and development process wasn’t without its challenges. How can one highlight the natural characteristics of each tea without using artificial additives? A chance discovery in the testing process led the team to the powers of secondary fermentation, which allows for the maximal retention of tea fragrance. The sodium bicarbonate and citric acid traditionally used in soda drinks are substituted with pressurized carbon dioxide, producing a pure, unadulterated sparkling tea.

Obscura 与一舍一选合作的这款气泡茶,选用来自云南的野生红茶。红茶本身的甜润口感,结合增压后的酸度和气泡感,激发出独特的味觉体验,一扫夏日的炎热,作为开餐的第一杯茶尤为妥帖。红茶本身的甜润滋味以及轻微的酸度,也非常适合搭配本季菜单上的前两道佳肴。作为开胃小点的烧味三宝,遇上甜润微酸的气泡茶,顿时化解了一分油腻。而以新疆大盘鸡为灵感的“小盘鸡”中的番茄、土豆,也非常契合云南野生红茶的香气。

For the first tea infusion in our pairing, we present a sparkling tea brewed with wild Yunnan tree black tea, whose innate sweetness is perked up with a mild tanginess and soft bubbles, making it an ideal welcome drink in summer. The delicate flavors also complement the first two dishes on the menu, modulating the richness of the Cantonese barbecue trio, and accentuating the cherry tomatoes and potatoes in the Xinjiang-inflected “Small Plate of Chicken.”



酸菜鱼和龙井虾仁是 Obscura 的经典菜肴。Ares 为它们设计了一款清新的“雾”,搭配这两道菜相得益彰。当季新鲜的梨子榨成汁,融入茉莉花茶以及酸木瓜进行调和,构成了这杯轻盈的特调茶。明亮的酸度和清爽的鲜甜,最大程度上释放出海鲜本身的鲜美滋味,而尾韵的花香更是让菜肴的余味得到延伸。

For the second tea infusion “Fog,” jasmine tea is infused with the juice of fresh pears, which are just in season, as well as chaenomeles fruit, a type of quince grown in Southern China. This light, effortless drink is a perfect match for two of Obscura’s signature dishes: “Suan Cai Yu” and “Dragon Well Shrimp.” Its zesty brightness and refreshing fruitiness help underscore the natural ocean sweetness, while the floral notes at the end draw out the experience.


Milk Tea on the Grassland


As desserts bring the evening to an end, we present an innovative drink inspired by butter tea, a staple in the Himalayan regions as well as a quintessential beverage for welcoming guests. In Tibet, the traditional ingredients for butter tea are black tea, which was introduced to the Tibetan Empire during China’s Tang Dynasty, as well as butter made from yak milk. An essential part of the local diet, yak has been a prime source of milk and meat for millennia. Yak butter is richer than our standard cow’s milk butter, and noticeably less sweet. Making butter tea is an arduous process. A whole brick of black tea leaves is broken up and steeped for up to half a day to yield an intense, potent tea. This dark liquid is then poured, along with fresh yak butter and salt, into a long, cylindrical vessel called “cha dong,” and churned until thoroughly emulsified. The creamy, salty beverage serves as a source of energy and warmth for life in high-altitude regions.

Ares 以藏族酥油茶为灵感,重新调整并以冷饮的形式呈现,更适合夏夜。我们以广西六堡镇的黑茶作为基底,又用燕麦奶代替了牦牛奶,更能衬托本季的甜品。调味则遵循了传统酥油茶的咸香口感,通过微微的咸味将水果的香气与甜味延伸得更为长久。

Ares’s rendition of butter tea is retuned and served cold for summer. The base is Cellaring Liu Pao dark tea from Guangxi, while yak milk is substituted with oat milk. The subtle saltiness of butter tea helps draw out the fruity sweetness in our desserts.

正如主厨 DeAille 和 Simon 精心打造的菜肴一样,这套全新「Obscura 特调 · 茶」系列将根据季节灵感调整,融入因应时节变化流动的元素。餐茶相佐,呈现出一场更完整的“新中菜 · 心中菜”体验,期待您前来品尝。

Our unique “Obscura Tea Infusions” pairing is designed to complement the menu by Chefs DeAille and Simon. Just like our menu, the pairing changes periodically to showcase seasonal inspirations. We look forward to presenting you with this brand new experience of Innovative Modern Chinese Cuisine.

公关副总监 Lucy Lee,
公关专员 Daniel Zhu,
For further media/PR inquiry,
please contact Allstar Communications Ltd.,
Associate Public Relations Director / Lucy Lee, lucylee@allstarcomms.com
PR Executive /Daniel Zhu, danielzhu@allstarcomms.com


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