【即时发布】食达文化今春携手北京Refer餐厅 开展无边界“沉浸式”美味体验


2021 is a special one for Allstar. With more exciting projects awaiting, we are happy to announce our cooperation with the Beijing restaurant Refer this spring. Together we will set unique sparks to food by artistic and sensual enjoyment.


Refer坐落于北京三里屯太古里,是主厨Talib Hudda及其团队在北京打造的一处全新概念的极致美食体验目的地,于2020年8月正式问世。餐厅名字Refer源自“reference”(参考、借鉴),自然原野、都市生活,世间的万事万物都可以被参考,被借鉴,成为烹饪的创意源泉。主厨Talib打破地域与风格的边界,以优质的食材搭配无限的灵感,带来独一无二的“refer菜品”与“沉浸式”的就餐体验。

Opened in August, 2020, Refer emerges from the bustling streets of Taikoo Li Sanlitun, and has become a new gastronomic destination for Beijing’s picky diners. The word reference, from where the restaurant’s name originates, speaks of chef Talib’s bold concept of referring anything in the natural world or city life, of breaking boundaries between geographic regions and cooking styles, and of creating a unique immersive dining experience.

主厨Talib Hudda Chef Talib Hudda

主厨Talib Hudda

来自加拿大的主厨Talib Hudda出生于一个热爱美食的大家庭;从小他就经常与祖母一起做饭,成为厨师的愿望便在年少的Talib心中萌生。14岁,他开始第一份在餐厅的工作,16岁,参加人生的第一个烹饪大赛并获得冠军,18岁时,他进入烹饪学校开始专项学习。在这之后,Talib更是世界权威烹饪大赛上的常客,收获多项大奖与肯定。2011年,Talib代表加拿大团队参加了被誉为烹饪界的“奥运会” —博古斯世界烹饪大赛。在2009年至2014年间,他参加了多项地区性和国际性烹饪大赛,例如在瑞士举办的世界厨艺大赛等。通过多项赛事的历练,他锻炼了自己的厨艺,同时也更加坚定了精益求精、追求完美的决心。

Born and raised in a food-loving Canadian family, chef Talib Hudda had his dream to become a professional cook since practicing with his grandma at a young age. He got his first job in a restaurant at 14, claimed his first cooking champion at 16, and went to a culinary school at 18. Many other world-class competitions had since been won by Talib before he represented Canada to attend Bocuse d’Or as Commis De Cuisine in 2011. From 2009 to 2014, Talib competed in several regional and international food competitions including the Culinary Salon Mondial in Switzerland, during which time he set his mind to constantly improve his skills and always seek perfection.

他曾就职于多家世界知名餐厅,也在多家米其林餐厅接受烹饪大师们的严格培训,其中包括在哥本哈根Marchal时,受训于丹麦知名大厨Ronny Emborg(现任纽约米其林二星餐厅 Atera 行政主厨),在哥本哈根Marv&Ben时,受训于大厨Ronni Mortensen(现任丹麦米其林三星餐厅Geranium创意副厨); 曾就职于纽约著名的Café Boulud、Wd-50、哥本哈根的Studio餐厅等,并在筹备Refer期间至哥本哈根2星餐厅Alchemist2.0深度进修。而后经过两年多时间的准备和沉淀,他重回初心打造了属于自己的餐厅—Refer。

He had experience working at a number of world-renowned restaurants and undergoing rigorous training under Michelin-starred chefs such as Ronny Emborg at Marchal (now at Michelin two-starred Atera), and Ronni Mortensen at Marv & Ben in Copenhagen (now at Michelin three-starred Geranium). He also has done trials at Cafe boulud and Wd-50in New York, and Studio in Copenhagen. Even when he was preparing for the opening of Refer, he went on further training at a Michelin two-starred restaurant Alchemist 2.0 in Copenhagen, before Refer was finally unveiled two years later.



At Refer, Talib demonstrates his way of cooking by breaking down the boundaries between different regions and cooking styles, yet fully respecting the rich culture and ingredients. Boasting quality produce from around the world and innovative techniques, Refer creates a unique immersive dining experience by making references and establishing connections. The menu changes on a seasonal basis with ingredients like fruits, vegetables, and herbs freshly sourced every day from authorized local farms.



Made from a renowned Japanese design firm, the interior style of the restaurant extends on and beyond Talib’s concept of “breaking boundaries”. Functional spaces are artfully designed with minimalist aesthetics, where the open kitchen and the dining area are integrated as an organic whole, providing more chef-diner interactions.

餐厅一隅 Restaurant Interior


Nestled on the fifth floor of building N8, North TaikooLi Sanlitun, Refer is compactly designed to include only five tables and one private room, striving to offer the most unforgettable dining experience for each of its guest. Refer’s avant-garde philosophy revolutionizes the way chefs communicate with diners, who can get to appreciate the story of the dishes, and the wows and impressions they are left with.



Restaurant Refer offers seasonal menu, and there will always be daily adjustments based on ingredients availability. Spring menu this year will be launched in April.

往期菜品回顾 Dishes Highlight

鱼子酱塔 Caviar Flower

法国蓝龙虾 Lobster & Dashi Beurre Blanc

鲍 鱼 Abalone

法国蓝贻贝 French Blue Mussels

海苔 & 马鲛鱼 Nori & Mackerel

烤鲟鱼 Roasted Zhejiang Sturgeon



“Genuine creations are rare these days. There are improvements, adjustments, but they are not things we build from scratch, which, however, should not stop us from pursuing inventiveness, from keeping telling stories through food, and from doing our best to impress diners. Our inspirations are not necessarily bounded by geographic coordinates or cooking style. Life is where we draw sparks for food. Anything can be a reference.”

——Chef Talib


Please be gently reminded

营业时间 Opening Time

周三至周日 Wed. to Sun.

18:00 – 22:00


着装提示 Dress Code

商务休闲/正装 Business Casual/ Formal


预订方式 Reservation


To ensure the best dining experience, guests are encouraged to make a reservation through Refer’s official website or Wechat. The reservation will be successful once an upfront deposit is fully paid. Dietaries of all guests must be confirmed before booking.


官方网站 Website


微信号 Wechat ID


地址 Address


5th Floor, Building No.8, NorthTai KooLi Chaoyang District, Beijing



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