客户资讯 | 全新8月午餐菜单登场 8 1/2 Otto e Mezzo BOMBANA寻味意式仲夏

此时的西西里岛明艳又清新,满是来自阳光海岸的丰饶惬意。承载着对意大利的夏日记忆,主厨Riccardo La Perna将夏季缤纷食材融入匠心巧思,推出全新8月份午餐菜单,以传统结合创新手法演绎他最拿手的海鲜佳肴,意面和甜点。

In this season, Sicily island is now full of brightness, freshness and is rich in natural resources. Carrying on the summer memories of Italy the hometown, chef Riccardo La Perna has designed the brand new lunch menu of August with abundant summer ingredients and his ingenuity, presenting his signature seafood delicacies, pasta and dessert with traditional yet innovative manners.


Tuna|tataki, garden aromatic salad, mustard sorbet


The beautiful lunch starts with tuna tataki, garden aromatic salad and mustard sorbet. The selected tuna belly is quickly seared and seasoned with a mix of spices including wild fennel powder, Espelette chili, orange, coriander and sweet paprika. The sauce is made with white balsamic vinegar and ginger emulsion. On top of the fish decorates fields salad with red cabbage, while on the side is arugula and mustard sorbet. Fresh yet sophisticated.


Linguine|artisanal pasta from Abruzzo,

red king prawn, fresh cherry tomatoes

Artisanal pasta of Italian supreme brand Verrigni matches the simply seasoned red king prawn. The taste of the flesh is sweet yet elastic, bringing a contrasting texture with the pasta. The cherry tomatoes perfectly leverage classic Italian flavor to diverse layers. Stir-fried all the ingredients with olive oil, garlic and chili, conveying a pure and charming flavor.


Lamb|New Zealand “Te Mana” chop,

Barolo vinegar jus, garden salad


Coated with a mix crust of basil, parsley and seasalt, the main dish, New Zealand lamb, is made in a complicated way. Lamb jus scented with tomato water, Barolo vinegar and mint. Three delicate sides are barley with seasonal vegetables, sweet and sour eggplant with aromatic salad and cherry tomato emulsion. All splendid yet fuse together well.


Gelato|traditional sicilian hazelnut ice cream

“Moretto”, tuiles

颜值极高的甜点 – 巧克力脆皮榛味冰淇淋令人耳目一新。敲开巧克力外壳后,香脆的焦糖榛子惊喜现身,底部是牛奶巧克力和黄油榛子酱做成的薄脆饼,外层以黄油糖霜面团烤制出的精美叶子美丽可口。浓郁丰富的甜蜜味道盈满口中,为午餐圆满收尾。
The outer attractiveness of the dessert Gelato is beyond description. Break the chocolate coat to find the surprise inside! At the bottom is a wafer made with milk chocolate and butter hazelnut jam, and the exquisite leaves are made by butter frosting dough. One bite and you could feel the full aromatic sweetness in your mouth. A perfect ending for lunch.


We are looking forward to sharing the seasonally limited summer delicacies with you!


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