11月,三场匠心与创意的美食体验为永利带去跨界合作的美味。永利轩主厨陈德光与米其林二星Meta主厨金善玉联手,共同打造融合两种料理精髓的创意菜肴;月末粤菜大师谭国锋主厨将与米其林三星Taïrroir行政主厨Kai Ho一同登场,为大家呈现多重风味的别样交织;此外,来自黑珍珠一钻南麓·荟馆行政主厨方毅也将浙菜风韵淋漓展现,描绘江南画卷。味觉的探索兼并愉悦的交流,让每一刻都充满惊喜。
In Macau’s summer, the breeze carries the scent of verdant greenery and a faint hint of the sea. Renowned chefs perform grandly at Wynn, with Chef Tam’s Seasons presenting creative cuisine in collaboration with Hansik Goo. The Wynn Lei Restaurant collaborates with Song Chinese Cuisine to showcase a unique and exquisite culinary artistry.