
食达文化携手上海人气餐厅Obscura主厨谭绮文、王思鸣与中国龙头科技集团美的,促成他们与美的家电产品合作。秉持美的创造产品的“初心”,以星厨的专业与坚持,共同研发定制菜谱,助力用户在家庭中解锁米其林风味。 DeAille Tam and Simon Wong of the highly sought-after Shanghai restaurant Obscura have joined hands with the leading Chinese home appliance brand Midea, a cooperation made successfully by Allstar Communications. With the brand’s persistence on product quality and the chefs’ professional culinary skills, they will work together to develop customised recipes to help unlock Michelin flavours at home. 美的是国内领先的消费电器品牌,拥有行业最完整的微波炉产业链,是目前全球主要的微波炉制造基地。美的汇聚全球研发力量,近年持续推出引领行业标准的产品,只为将更轻松的使用体验带给用户。 Midea is a top home appliance maker in China with a complete industry chain to rank it among world-leading microwave oven manufacturers in recent years. By bringing together global resources and R&D capabilities, Midea has been launching cutting-edge products that are easy to use and with outstanding quality. Obscura双主厨谭绮文、王思鸣不忘初心,深入探索关于中国风土的故与新,寻找菜品的创作灵感。在传统的中式元素和文化为创作基础上,注入多种烹饪技法和从心出发的创意巧思,形塑出专属于他们的“新中菜‧心中菜”。谭绮文主厨更是在今年斩获了2021年度“亚洲最佳女厨师”殊荣,成为中国大陆首位获得此荣誉的女性主厨。 DeAille and Simon spent a lot of time touring China to experience the many facets of Chinese culinary culture. Throughout their journey, they explored both traditions and innovations, and deepened their understanding of the countrys diverse regional cuisines. The menu at Obscura is constructed with the knowledge […]

宋,一个以繁华闻名的朝代,是华夏民族文化欣欣向荣的鼎盛时期,从文化到生活场景,所有的美学都被演绎到了极致。宋人具备创新,敢于突破精神,以及勇于挣脱传统束缚的霸气。在包容开放的城市氛围推动下,宋朝生活的丰富多姿远超乎当代想象,宴席风情尤为盛行,无论从宫廷宴会到民间权臣举办的盛宴,都是极尽奢靡。 Song, a dynasty renowned for its prosperity, was the heyday of the Chinese nation’s cultural exuberance, where all aesthetics, from culture to living scenes, were interpreted to the extreme. The Song people were endowed with a daring spirit for breaking with tradition. Driven by an inclusive atmosphere and economic affluence, the Song populace engaged in a vibrant social and domestic life, enjoying a wide-array of entertainment places including tea houses, restaurants, and perhaps the most prevalent – organized banquets, from court banquets to feasts held by powerful local officials. They can be vastly luxurious and expensive to host. 川菜发源于古代巴蜀,而宋代是川菜越过巴蜀边境进入中原的时代,让川菜在浩瀚中国广为流传,宋朝游宴的风行更促进川菜的蓬勃发展。此外,中国四大发明中有三大发明都是出于宋朝,而其中对中菜最具关键性的影响就是发明铁锅,铁锅火侯能孕万物之气,当中亦包括料理。 The Song Dynasty marks an important notch for Sichuan cuisine because during that time Sichuanese food travelled to the Central Plain of China and since became a national popular cuisine. The popularity of banqueting during the Song Dynasty also contributed to the flourishing of Sichuan cuisine. Besides, three of the four great inventions of ancient

8月1日是瑞士国庆节,为庆祝这个美丽国度的重大节日,Cellar To Table将带来满满瑞士风情!精选多款瑞士Lavaux产区红白葡萄酒,配以主厨Francisco Javier Araya特别打造的瑞士主题菜式,一场与异国美食美酒的相遇,不容错过。 On August 1st, Swiss National Day, Cellar To Table will be celebrating this great holiday from one of the most beautiful countries in the world! With a selection of prominent red and white wines from the Lavaux appellation in the western Swiss canton of Vaud, Chef Francisco Javier Araya presents Swiss-themed gourmet food for an exotic culinary experience that you don’t want to miss. The Winemakers’ Lunch Swiss National Day 瑞士国庆日 ⏰ 8月1日 周日 中午12点至下午3点 1st August, Sunday, from 12:00 noon to 3:00 p.m. 每位580元 580/per guest 席位有限,敬请垂询预订! Seats limited available, book now!   关于美酒 ABOUT WINE Switzerland 瑞士 拉沃是瑞士历史悠久的葡萄酒产地。拉沃葡萄酒分为8个产区,分布在洛桑和维维两市之间,占地约830公顷。本月的酿酒师午宴提供的酒款分别来自圣萨福林、埃普斯和德扎利大酒庄,您将可品鉴到四款葡萄酒:Domainedu Daley Le Chasselas Tradition, Villette Grand Cru / Domaine du Daley Pinot Noir Tradition / Luc Massy Crêt-Bailli Epesses Gamay / Patrick Fonjallaz Plant Robert de Lavaux. Lavaux is a region with a long wine tradition in Switzerland. The wine region of Lavaux is divided into 8 appellations spread over about 830 hectares vineyards between the cities

8月1日是瑞士国庆节,为庆祝这个美丽国度的重大节日,Cellar To Table将带来满满瑞士风情!精选多款瑞士Lavaux产区红白葡萄酒,配以主厨Francisco Javier Araya特别打造的瑞士主题菜式,一场与异国美食美酒的相遇,不容错过。 On August 1st, Swiss National Day, Cellar To Table will be celebrating this great holiday from one of the most beautiful countries in the world! With a selection of prominent red and white wines from the Lavaux appellation in the western Swiss canton of Vaud, Chef Francisco Javier Araya presents Swiss-themed gourmet food for an exotic culinary experience that you don’t want to miss. The Winemakers’ Lunch Swiss National Day 瑞士国庆日 ⏰ 8月1日 周日 中午12点至下午3点 1st August, Sunday, from 12:00 noon to 3:00 p.m. 每位580元 580/per guest 席位有限,敬请垂询预订! Seats limited available, book now!   关于美酒 ABOUT WINE Switzerland 瑞士 拉沃是瑞士历史悠久的葡萄酒产地。拉沃葡萄酒分为8个产区,分布在洛桑和维维两市之间,占地约830公顷。本月的酿酒师午宴提供的酒款分别来自圣萨福林、埃普斯和德扎利大酒庄,您将可品鉴到四款葡萄酒:Domainedu Daley Le Chasselas Tradition, Villette Grand Cru / Domaine du Daley Pinot Noir Tradition / Luc Massy Crêt-Bailli Epesses Gamay / Patrick Fonjallaz Plant Robert de Lavaux. Lavaux is a region with a long wine tradition in Switzerland. The wine region of Lavaux is divided into 8 appellations spread over about 830 hectares vineyards between the cities

夏天的气息炽烈而活泼,骄阳似火,万物也随之蓬勃生长。盛夏南风草木香, Talib Hudda主厨巧用应季时令食材,博观约取倾情创作而成本季全新Refer菜单。 Vital, bright summer breeze is alive and blooming with everything flourishing with full sun. Chef Talib Hudda is showcasing this season’s finely crafted brand-new menu at Refer with blissful seasonal ingredients. 北欧灵魂‧亚洲精髓 Nordic soul, Asian essence 生长于拥有得天独厚生态资源及丰富自然样貌的加拿大,Talib主厨从小对人和大地、生态、环境之间的连结自有独到情感。在积累厨艺经历的过程中,他亦深受北欧料理“可持续性、季节性、使用本地蔬菜,以及体现食材本味”的精神启发,从而形塑出“世间万事万物皆可借鉴为创作灵感”的餐饮哲学。 Growing up in Canada, a country blessed with a wealth of ecological resources and rich landscapes, chef Talib has developed a deep appreciation for nature and a unique sense of connection between people and the land, ecology and environment. Throughout his culinary journey, he took inspiration from the Nordic cuisine, its value of sustainability, seasonality, use of local produce and expression of the original flavours of ingredients, which gradually become the foundation of his culinary philosophy – everything in the world can be referred. 深耕于亚洲多年,在接触到多样新鲜有趣的丰富物产之后,Talib Hudda主厨更致力于找寻亚洲和国内各地优质时令食材,并将更多亚洲元素和风味融入到菜品当中。 Years of professional experience in Asia have introduced chef Tablib Hudda to a plethora of exotic and interesting ingredients, which fuels his steadfast commitment to sourcing quality seasonal ingredients

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