Ramen Talk x Asia’s Best Female Chef DeAille Tam Say hello to the newly co-branded Chicken Ramen with Morel Mushroom and Fish Maw

​食达文化携手中国速食面头部品牌“拉面说”与2021亚洲最佳女厨师,中国大陆首位米其林摘星女主厨谭绮文DeAille Tam,为热爱生活与美食的食客送上这款凝练了主厨巧思与拉面说满满诚意的新品-羊肚菌花胶鸡汤拉面正式登场。

Allstar Communications is honored to partner with Ramen Talk and 2021 newly named Asia’s Best Female Chef and first Michelin-starred female chef in China, DeAille Tam to present this creation that combines industry diligenceand Michelin standard, for you, and everyone else who treats their lives with passion and understands the meaning of good food – Chicken Ramen with Morel Mushroom and Fish Maw.



Even being hailedas the first female chef in China to earn a Michelin star, DeAille Tam went through an arduous journey of exploration and innovation, where she’d always stay true to herself while chasing her dreams. In the end, time proves everything, and all her hard work eventually paid off.


Ramen Talk’s pursuit of craftsmanship and quality ingredients is in line with Tam’s life philosophy – keep challenging and breaking limits.


There comes the birth of the idea. The co-branding brings upmarket Michelin flavours and professionalism to make meals easy without compromising on quality and taste. Let the pro do the cooking so you can get to the important part of meal connecting, relaxing and enjoying.


Ramen Talk has always treated ingredients seriously: 25-28 head cod fish maw soaked for at least 24 hours to remove the fishy smell, buttery chicken from free-range 120-day old hen in northern Jiangsu province, seasonal morel mushrooms from Yunnan province, all blended with thick, mellow pumpkin stew and simmered for five hours to finally make a nutritious golden broth, waiting to be enjoyed with the brand’s signature semi-dry high-fibre bran ramen noodles. The pairing of Ramen Talk and Michelin chef Tam to launch this special edition ramen product is nothingless than super sweet.


As one of the many collaborations made fruitful by Allstar Communications’ pool of resources, professional branding and PR services for celebrity chefs, we strive for the cooperation between the luxury brands and Michelin star chef to offer an outstanding culinary experience for all food lovers.

如有星级厨师经纪业务需求/品牌星级厨师合作需求,请洽:市场营销副总监 Allen Li,



For further chef agent inquiries,please contact Allen Li, Associate Marketing Director

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