Japan’s Two-starred Michelin Chef Masuda Rei “Shoku-tei Sushi” Lands in Shenzhen China


Two michelin-starred chef Masuda Rei


Masuda Rei, a disciple of Ono Jiro – widely regarded as the most respected Japanese Sushi master – this month marks the arrival of his Michelin-standard brand “Shoku-tei Sushi” into Shenzhen, China. By sourcing and using a plethora of top quality and carefully selected Japanese ingredients, Chef Masada Rei aims to deliver stunning authentic Edo-style sushi masterpieces in Omakase form, allowing for utmost creative freedom to deliver the most memorable sushi gluttony experience to dining enthusiasts.

深圳植庭寿司 Shoku-tei Sushi, Shenzhen


Chef Masuda Rei is well-known in the Japanese sushi world, with his “Sushi Masuda” restaurant having been awarded two Michelin stars in Tokyo for three consecutive years. His dining establishments are all highly sought after.

小肌 Gizzard Shad

金枪鱼 Tuna


“Shoku-tei Sushi” will see the transfer to Shenzhen of two highly regarded resident chefs Koguchi Shiro and Ishida Kazuhiro to deliver these Japanese sushi masterpieces.

深圳驻店主厨高口志郎 Chef Koguchi Shiro

深圳驻店主厨石田一弘 Chef Ishida Kazuhiro

餐厅将自即日起(5月15日周五)开始试营业,试营业期间仅提供晚餐,每位人民币2380,另需10%服务费。详情及预订,请洽:0755-23941378; 133-1296-4491。即刻订位,感受与众不同、顶级奢华的正宗寿司飨宴!
Today, Friday, May 15th marks the soft opening of the restaurant. During this period, only dinner will be served, the menu is priced at RMB 2380 + 10% service charge per person. For details and reservations, please contact: 0755-23941378; 133-1296-4491. Book now to avoid disappointment and treat yourself to an unforgettable dining experience!


| 地址 Address |

深圳市福田区One Avenue卓悦中心中央大街


One Avenue Central Street N137, 1/F,

2005, Shennan Road, Futian District, Shenzhen

| 营业时间 Opening Hours |


午餐12:00-14:30, 晚餐18:00-22:00


Lunch 12:00 am-2:30 pm

Dinner 6:00 pm-10:00 pm

| 预约到店 Tel |



| 微信客服 Scan the QR Code For Reservation |





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