Refer | Refer’s Ode to Nature in the Name of “Hand”


In late spring and early summer months, nature is at her peak, nurturing a myriad of life and blending the wild blooms with poetic shades of dynamism. While amidst concrete jungles where we celebrate the ever-changing progress of the modern world, a growing disconnection from nature is becoming increasingly evident.

鱼肝 | Foie Gras of the Sea


Monkfish Liver, Sauternes, Seabuckthorn & Lemon Marigold


In this time of “camera first” where taking photos of pleasurable food comes before actually eating it, we seem to neglect the story behind each dish and really savour detailed cooking.

主厨 Chef Talib Hudda


For this season’s Spring & Summer menu, chef Talib incorporates the element of ‘hand’, a most direct medium to make contact with nature, into the dining experience, transforming hand gestures such as touching, holding and picking into his hand-made sculptures. Through an intimate sensory experience of ‘dining with hands’, the restaurant awakens the connection with nature and the nourishment it brings to life. The use of premium seasonal ingredients from around the world is a satisfying makeup for those unable to travel overseas in pandemic mode, and a thoughtful presentation from chef Talib.


Refer’s open kitchen


Your palate begins a culinary garden trip the very first moment you enter the restaurant… Then step in the open kitchen and take your seat with a handful of bites to start with. You will find your table dotted with a splendid arrangement of herbs and flowers, a refreshing collection of seasonal fruits and vegetables, and a bright and vital selection of seafood and farm produce, all glittering in your plates of springtime glory.

Spring Dishes

在厨房里 In The Kitchen

鱼子酱 Caviar | 脆海苔 Crisp Seaweed | 杏仁奶油 Almond Cream | 南果梨醋 Nanguo Pear Vinegar | 腌洋葱 Pickled Onion


The dining area is spacious and modern, as the open kitchen greets you with serious chefs brandishing utensils and serving you delightful bites presented with hand-shaped sculptures. The caviar’s saltiness overlaps crunchy seaweed to provide a contrasting, yet warm and solid taste, accented by tart ponzu sauce and pickled onions.

水上花园 Sea Garden

牡丹虾 Spot Prawn | 旱金莲 Nasturtium | 番茄 Tomato | 皱皮柠檬 Kaffir lime


Inspired by the street food skewers, the dish resembles a flowing stream winding through an elegant garden. A playful way to enjoy a mouthful of refreshing Keffir lime, umami spot prawn and airy tomato broth.

红色拼图 Red Puzzle

蓝龙虾爪 Blue Lobster Claw | 红洋葱 Red Onion | 紫苏 Purple Shiso | 心儿里美萝卜 Watermelon Radish | 酢浆草 Wood Sorrel


The lobsteris simmered to soft-tender and nestled in a layer of watermelon radish covered with shrimp paste and a thin purple shiso jelly on top. The red onion garnish is easy to become carefree shrimps swimming around.

摘花 Picking Flower

黑加仑甘纳许 Black Currant Ganache | 杨梅 Yang Mei | 薰衣草 Lavender | 三色堇 Pansies


The dessert is served in a sculpture that symbolizes the gesture of picking flower. The smoky and woody flavour of blackcurrants are coupled with Yang Mei’s sweet acidity. Nothing expresses the colourful, exuberant personality of springtime better than flowers and herbs, a work of art that thrums with good vibes and beauty of the season.


Have a blast enjoying dining with Refer’s newly crafted Spring & Summer menu.


*There will always be daily adjustments based on ingredents availabilty


Please be gently reminded

营业时间 Openning time

周三至周日Wed. to Sun.18:00 – 22:00

着装提示Dress code

商务休闲/正装 Business Casual/ Formal

预订方式 Reservation





To ensure the best dining experience, guests are encouraged to make a reservation through Refer’s official website or Wechat. The reservation will be successful once an upfront deposit is fully paid.Dietaries of all guests must be confirmed before booking.

官方网站 Web

微信 WeChat


地址 Address


5th Floor, Building No.8, TaiKooLi North

Chaoyang, Beijing


If you have any problems during the reservation process, please do not hesitate to contact the restaurant.


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