Gourmet News

四季更迭,而今恰是秋意绵绵,秋韵美轮美奂之时。秋天往往是分成两半的,一半萧瑟,一半灿烂。落叶带走了烦恼,枫叶的红火又承载着新的希望。斜阳映入,秋风撩拨,秋景点染。摘一片秋叶,捕一缕秋风,听一声秋雨,主厨Talib将秋天的讯息依次扣入心窝,结合初秋的淡雅,迎来深秋的斑斓,献上新一季秋季体验之旅,引领食客走遍秋色角落。 There are times when autumn is bleak, but there are also times when it is glorious. The slanting sun reflected in autumn breeze, the landscape dotted with fiery leaves, the splendid storms and marigolds, the quiet repose and sudden chills… Is not this a true autumn day? Through capturing subtle elegance and vivid radiance of the season, Chef Talib samples the best of autumn’s bounty with sensational flavors and outstanding craftsmanship. 秋季菜单 AUTUMN MENU 雪松炭烤野生海鳌虾 大连海胆 · 荞麦 · 胡萝卜 防风根 · 佛手柑醋及姜油 Wild Scampi Grilled On Cedar Dalian Sea Urchin, Buckwheat, Carrots Parsnips, Buddha Palm Vinegar & Ginger Oil 创意的食材组合带来秋日清甜之味。臻选新西兰野生海鳌虾,经炙烤烟熏后搭配新鲜海胆,柔嫩带有微微熏香。当季佛手柑点缀其中,散发柑橘清香。利用⼤连黑荞麦制成底壳,醋渍姜丁、双色胡萝卜、防风根以树叶形状浸染斑斓秋色。 A creative combination of ingredients brings out the sweetness of autumn. Wild scampi from New Zealand is roasted, smoked and paired with fresh sea urchin for a tender, slightly smoky result, and further garnished with the citrus Buddha palm vinegar. The base made of Dalian buckwheat is completed with marinated diced ginger, carrots […]

2022深秋,Allstar Communications食達文化攜手香港Sushi Fujimoto,傳承大師精神,貫徹日式極簡。今年初春,曾師從日本壽司大師十年之久的日籍主廚藤本健一首次獨立門戶,於香港中環開設「Sushi Fujimoto」。傳承大師哲學與技巧,秉持簡單即是最好的原則,堅持選用更溫和的米醋風格還原江戶前壽司精髓,為香港頂級壽司市場帶來一股清流。 Late Autumn of 2022, Allstar Communications surprised with its collaboration with Sushi Fujimoto in Hong Kong. In the early spring of this year, Japanese chef Kenichi Fujimoto, after training with two sushi maestros for a decade, opened his first outlet Sushi Fujimoto in Central, Hong Kong. Inheriting the philosophy and techniques of the master chefs, he champions simplicity and insists on using milder rice vinegar to restore the essence of Edomae sushi, whiffing an air of refinedness to Hong Kong’s high-end sushi market. 日本壽司大師之徒 · 後起之秀,勢如破竹 The Rising Protégé of Sushi Maestro 不同于傳統壽司廚師的培訓途徑,藤本健一第一份工作與美食毫無相關,22歲在一家中檔次壽司店工作時正式接觸壽司廚師一職,27歲加入日本壽司大師金阪真次在銀座的壽司店鮨金阪。2014年被金阪真次指派到澳門米其林一星餐廳金阪極上壽司擔任副廚,2017年到香港。 Unlike the traditional sushi chef’s training path, Kenichi Fujimoto’s career start had nothing to do with food and was introduced to the role of sushi chef at the age of 22 when he worked at a mid-range sushi restaurant, before joining Sushi Kanesaka by Japanese sushi master Shinji Kanesaka in Ginza at the age of 27. In 2014,

蘭亭永视频  Yong Video 坐落于百年建筑锡安园中的蘭亭永,将复古美学与本真川菜匠心结合,相映成趣,带来越秀东山新河浦历史文化沉淀下的返璞归真。 Nestled in the century-old Xi’an Garden, Yong combines vintage aesthetics with authentic Sichuan cuisine, bringing back the historical essence of the time-honoured cultural district of Xinhepu in Yuexiu, Guangzhou. 食物的本真是料理的灵魂。蘭亭永严选四时食材,菜式集合自然之味、发酵之味、调和之味,蘭亭永主厨兰桂均“以汤定位,以食材定格,以调辅料定神”的烹饪哲学理念贯穿始终,深入传统而求新意。 Authenticity is the backbone of cuisine. Yong’s culinary philosophy is deeply rooted in local traditions, with dishes that bring together fresh bites, fermented delights and balanced flavour combinations. Executive Chef Lan Guijun champions the inner character of Chinese food culture through creating a methodology of his own – to position with soup, to frame with ingredients, and to forge the spirit with flavouring. 餐厅与艺术空间的巧妙结合,呈现蘭亭永恬趣高雅的餐桌美学和传统文化的追求。蘭亭永在空间中蕴含的多方位巧思,在器物中散发的搭配用心以及工匠精神,从而引领营造故事感的氛围,为食客带去独特精致的美食体验。 The combination of restaurant and art space presents Yong’s refined table aesthetic and the pursuit of traditional culture. The multi-faceted ingenuity of the space, the care and artisanship exuded in the wares, have led to a storytelling ambience and a unique culinary experience for diners. 蘭亭永主理人Ricky李永佳携手主厨兰桂均和厨师长张健,以筵席川菜为载体,以古典之美为道路,整合中国传统文化和人文精神,高度凝练中国饮食文化精髓,倡导高雅的东方生活方式,呈现蘭亭永的当代餐桌美学,缔造自然本真的蘭亭永。 The owner Li Yongjia has joined hands with Executive Chef Lan

蘭亭永自两年前项目始发筹备,从2022.07.22试营业至今,收到各方的广泛关注。过去的一段时间,感谢各位的到访与支持,给予我们宝贵的建议,让我们能更好地优化菜品和调整运营。 We feel extremely grateful that Lantingyong has received extensive attention since the very beginning of project conception. We would also like to express our sincere thanks for your visits and support since the trial opening from 22 July 2022. Your valuable reviews and suggestions are what have been driving us to improve our dishes and services. 8.27起,蘭亭永正式开业,愿你我在不远的未来,相聚于此,品鉴食物的自然真味,体验文化的恬趣高雅。 Lantingyong will be officially opened on 27 August and we hope to welcome you very soon to experience pure flavours of ingredients and the elegance of culture. 关于蘭亭永 ABOUT LANTINGYONG 蘭亭永坐落于1918年建立的锡安园,专注本真之味,以川菜为载体,空间和器物以中国古典之美为基调。深入展开文化的多元交流,据川菜其适应面广之特点,结合商都文化的包容性,将粤港之风汇入其中。 Housed in a 1918-villa Xi’an Garden, Lantingyong focuses on authentic Sichuan cuisine with space and tableware all dedicated to classic oriental aesthetic. The restaurant is a deep and diverse cultural exchange, combining the inclusiveness of the commercial port of Guangzhou with the style of Cantonese cuisine to convey a wide range of versatile Sichuanese flavours. 由成都米其林二星主厨、全球十佳中餐厅和年度中餐大厨获奖、蜂网煎饺和泡椒凤爪创始人兰桂均先生担任主厨。师从兰桂均,习得兰师傅料理精髓及多重烹饪技巧的张健为厨师长。虔诚严选四时食材,尊重自然真味,结合考究手艺,以汤定位,以食材定格,以辅料定神。菜式集合自然之味、发酵之味、调和之味,筵席由轻至重再缓缓收尾。自然真味,恬淡为上。丰富的层次之美,优雅的起承转合。 As the creator of Crispy Wing Dumplings and Chicken Feet

人们总想容纳住整个夏天,这个季节拥有太多色彩,会有许多故事发生,他们旋转于刀叉交错之间,也起舞在味蕾感官之上。普鲁斯特西餐厅一直通过其独特的法式料理为食客铺陈出那条通往时令的曲径,五道式菜单彰显季节之美,在时间的循回往复中凝结出餐桌美学的精髓。 Summer is like a whirlwind of fresh and colourful dishes that dance to the senses of the palate. Through its uniquely crafted French cuisine, Proust restaurant proudly presents this five-course menu highlighting the beauty of the seasons and the essence of the culinary aesthetic in the cycle of nature. 用餐环境 Environment 前菜中,柔软的扇贝塔塔被夏天的颜色点缀,脆生的脆饼口感配上有着淡淡甜味的扇贝肉,这样的夏季才显得妙趣横生。接着尝过这口羊肚菌清汤会感到味觉的变化有了流畅感,其中的鲜不会直冲口腔,而是慢慢流动转化成与松茸清香交汇的神来之笔,使汤的食感更具韵味。 Accented with bold colours of summer, sweet, tender Hokkaido scallops balance the crispy cracker for a captivating blend of flavours. The taste of the morel mushroom consommé exudes a sense of fluidity, with the freshness slowly forming a divine interplay with wide matsutake mushroom. 日本北海道扇贝塔塔 Hokkaido Scallops Tartare 羊肚菌清汤 Morel Mushroom Consomme 油淋马头鱼中酱汁和鱼肉的搭配恰到好处,莴笋和被热油淋过的表皮作为嫩而不散的肉的陪衬,些微奶香让此般口感有了长久回味的价值。下一道主角M7和牛,肉中包裹丰盈肉汁,细密油脂融于舌尖,满口扎实的肉香,隆重且附着着弥漫于夏天的悠长芬芳。 The oil-drizzled tilefish features fresh, creamy herb sauce and tender, firm fish meat, with elastic, chewy fish skin and asparagus lettuce serving as delightful accompaniments. The M7 Wagyu beef strikes as a grand plate but at the same time glows with long-tasting aroma and summer flair. 油淋马头鱼 Boiling Oil Scalded Tilefish

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