Gourmet News

Allstar Communications, in collaboration with Wynn Resorts, is thrilled to announce a partnership that brings together acclaimed chefs from China and around the world for the annual Wynn Discovery series. These extraordinary gastronomic events would take place at Wynn Palace and Wynn Macau, offering guests a delightful journey through seasonal delicacies. The lineup of guest chefs includes Chef George Zhang, the head chef of Yong, a Michelin Guide-selected Sichuan restaurant in Guangzhou, China. Additionally, we are excited to invite Chef Yuan Yong Qing, the executive chef of FanHua, to showcase exquisite Northeastern Chinese cuisine. In June, the series of guest chef events is themed “Taste the Bounty of Land and Sea” starring master chefs from all over China, inviting diners to experience different culinary styles of Chinese cuisine. Head Chef of Yong – George Zhang Executive Chef of FanHua – Yuan Yong Qing The culinary extravaganza kicked off in May with Chef George Zhang of […]

When wine and food come together, magic happens on the tongue. The natural logic of ingredients and flavour profiles is explained by Sommelier Demi Lei of 102 House Shanghai, who, together with Chef Xu Jingye, will unveil the mystery of wine pairing and lead diners to discover a unique sensual experience. 01 Mas Doix Salix |Catalunia |Priorat |Spain 2021 Pairing Dish Stir-fried Sole fish in Black Bean Sauce Pairing Reason This is a versatile Spanish white blend. Spice and ripe yellow apple notes are accompanied by subtle hints of petroleum and minerals from Pedro Ximénez, and a slightly oxidised body that enhances the profile with a crisp, fresh aroma of chamomile. The airy body pairs well with this spicy Cantonese stir-fry dish, where umami harmoniously contrasts savoury flavours to add complexity. 02 Etienne Courtois Evidence | Loire Valley | France 2008 Pairing Dish Grilled Eel and Crushed Chrysanthemum Pairing Reason This expression of Evidence is

卯门生紫气 兔岁报新春 辞旧迎新之际 蘭亭永团队致以诚挚祝福 感谢各位2022年对蘭亭永的信任与支持 蘭亭永将于 1月8日(周日)至1月29日(周日)店休 1月30日(周一)恢复正常营业 祝您兔年大吉 闔家安康 温馨提示 Please be noted: 地址 Address 广州市越秀区恤孤院路18号 No.18, Xuguyuan Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou 营业时间 Opening Time 周二-周日 Tuesday – Sunday 18:00~22:00 预约到店Tel 181-2798-9805 微信客服 Scan For Reservation (微信二维码) WeChat QR Code欢迎致电或添加微信客服进行座位预定 Please give us a call or add our WeChat account to make a reservation. 如有任何品牌顾问需求 请联系上海食达文化传播有限公司: 资深传播顾问 Daniel Zhu, danielzhu@allstarcomms.com 传播顾问 Mona Cheng, monacheng@allstarcomms.com

專注江戶前壽司風格·時令食材 不斷創新 Seasonal Ingredients and  Constant Innovation 迎接新年的到來「Sushi Fujimoto」應季而出時令菜單,包含4種以當季漁獲製成的酒肴、13款壽司、2款日本玉子燒和細卷等,而本季的食材亮點為冬季鰹魚及北極貝。藤本主廚(Kenichi Fujimoto)始終秉持初心,專注於季節時令食材的運用,在還原傳統日本風味的基礎上琢磨創新。 To celebrate the coming New Year, Sushi Fujimoto is offering a seasonal menu with 4 types of seasonal catches, 13 types of sushi, 2 types of tamago-yaki and small rolls, with winter bonito and Japanese surf clam being the highlights. Focusing on seasonal ingredients, Chef Kenichi Fujimoto has always been committed to traditional Japanese flavours infused with creative twists. 時令酒肴 Seasonal Appetizer  當季鰹魚 Seasonal Bonito 江戶最熱門的食材之一便是鰹魚,冬季在日本近海沿太平洋一側北上,品相極佳。當季的鰹魚脂肪肥美,有著乘黑潮歡快暢遊的鮮爽香氣。由於鮮度維持時間較短,處理好後變色極快,最常以刺身食用。 One of the most popular ingredients in Edo is bonito, which travels north along the Pacific side in the winter off the coast of Japan. When in season, bonito is fatty and carries with it a refreshing taste of the warm Kuroshio Current. It is most often eaten as sashimi because of the rapid colour change in its flesh after handling.   當季鰹魚 Seasonal Bonito   北寄貝 Japanese Surf Clam 選用來自北海道的北寄貝,作為刺身或炙烤後食用均可。藤本先生通過木炭烤架微微炙烤,激發出它特有的甜味,卻依然保留其柔嫩的口感和清新的潮香。 Choose clams from Hokkaido, which can serve as sashimi or grilled. Fujimoto San chooses

2023年1月5日——大连,奉天小馆大连首店,东北第八家门店—甘井子万象汇店1月5日正式开业。奉天小馆自2021年9月份始开启大连长海的开海之旅,新鲜海产当日直达、海捕现烹的风味因此进入奉天小馆各家门店。 Dalian, 5 January 2023 –Fengtian Restaurant has come to the Mixc Mall in Ganjingzi District of Dalian, and is officially opening on this 5th January. Last September, the kitchen team of the restaurant went on fishing and visited local fish markets in Changhai County to carefully select reliable seafood suppliers who can ensure that fresh produce is delivered on the same day of harvest. Since then, beautiful ingredients from Dalian are brought into all Fengtian Restaurants.     奉天·大连 Dalian Fengtian Restaurant 大连,素有“浪漫之都”的称号,气候宜人,没有典型东北城市的严寒,更像是一座南方的滨海都市。地处黄渤海交界处,与山东和朝鲜隔海相望,这也赋予了城市多元的饮食文化。回溯漫漫历史长河,早期多山东的移民使得老大连菜多偏鲁菜系,日本的饮食文化也曾在20年代初期被引入大连。而奉天小馆自2013年创立以来,便承袭东北菜精髓,融会贯通其他菜系经典所长,传承经典,融合创新。此次来到大连,不仅代表着奉天小馆在东北地区第九家店的诞生,更是作为国家非物质文化遗产,在传统的根脉下勇于创新,博采众菜系之长,以全新的形态匠心演绎辽菜文化。 Nicknamed as the Capital of Romance in China, the city of Dalian enjoys a pleasant climate that is not typical for a Northeastern city due to its location at the southernmost tip of the Liaodong Peninsula, with the Yellow Sea in the east and the Bohai Sea in the west. Vicinity to Shandong Province and North Korea has given Dalian a rich and diverse food culture. Apart from Lu Cuisine that’s

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