
Chef Xu Jingye and Sommelier Lei Mengxue of 102 House Shanghai has collaborated with Chef Miles Pundsack-Poe and Sommelier Tang Danwen of Ensue Shenzhen for an eight-hand dinner event with the theme ‘Back to the Origin of Inspiration’. On November 18-19, the two chefs swapped with each other’s sommeliers to present challenging and creative combinations, leading diners on a unique journey of culinary enjoyment. Chef Xu Jingye has approached Western exquisiteness with tradition and intimacy, while Chef Miles Pundsack-Poe has translated Cantonese elegance with creativity and enthusiasm. The two pairs are dedicated to creating a wonderful journey on the tongue in an exclusive, innovative, tasty encounter. Smoked Pomfret The first appetizer, whose prototype was invented almost 100 years ago, showcases Chef Xu’s understanding of Western cuisine. A 30-day fermented homemade peach vinegar is used to cook the pomfret with spring onions and sugar until tender, simulating the taste of smoked meats with balanced sweetness, acidity […]

2022金秋时节,Allstar Communications食达文化携手深圳ANISE,摩登解读法式创新融合料理。今年7月,ANISE餐厅进驻深圳罗湖区,匠心具足迈出坚实步伐,从餐厅所处广东在地环境以及主厨Julien在澳门和上海的成长经历中汲取灵感 – 创造法式、粤式和本帮菜式的融合,以料理的深度与温度,提供一种深深尊重当地传统和文化的现代精致餐饮体验。 Golden autumn of 2022, Allstar Communications surprises with its collaboration with ANISE in Shenzhen, bringing modern and innovative French cuisine. In July this year, ANISE opened in Shenzhen’s Luohu district. Drawing inspiration from the local terroir of Guangdong and Chef Julien’s working experience in Macau and Shanghai, the restaurant fuses French, Cantonese and Shanghai cuisines, representing a contemporary fine dining experience that deeply respects local traditions and culture. ANISE料理 Cuisine ANISE餐厅以一套完整的品鉴菜单和酒水搭配,结合放松和诚挚的服务,向食客提供极致的现代法式创新料理体验。主厨Julien以欧洲料理技巧和对当地食材的理解去凸显地域文化特色,融入中国不时不食的节气文化来更新和调整菜单,本地传统与新式的碰撞,透过料理与宾客产生情感连结。ANISE招牌菜品有凸显地域特色的「生腌象拔蚌」,灵感来源于主厨Julien女儿所玩盲盒游戏的「克莉丝的秘密」以及出自儿时记忆的「咖啡和太妃」。 ANISE offers diners a modern and innovative French culinary experience with a complete tasting menu and wine pairing combined with relaxed and sincere service. Chef Julien draws on European culinary techniques and his understanding of local ingredients, incorporating Chinese philosophy of eating according to seasonality. He creates a unique fusion cuisine style inspired by local traditions and innovative dishes to develop a unique connection with his guests. Signature dishes include Geoduck, which highlights distinctive culinary styles, Chris’ Secret, inspired by a blind box

深秋时节,成都第二届米其林指南颁奖典礼已于10月25日正式颁发,银滩集团喜讯连连,旗下以“宋风雅韵”为主题的餐厅银廬荣获米其林指南入选餐厅,隐庐·古法川菜获得米其林指南入选餐厅,银锅更是获得米其林一星的荣誉。本次现场一共为11家星级餐厅举办授星仪式,其中包括1家二星餐厅,10家一星餐厅和15家必比登推介餐厅,31家米其林指南入选餐厅(原“米其林餐盘餐厅”),以及特别奖项——米其林服务奖。 The second edition of the Chengdu Michelin Guide was officially released and held an award ceremony on October 25. Silver Beach Restaurants Group has gained fruitful results with its Silver Cottage and Hidden Place being listed among Michelin selected restaurants, and Silver Pot scooping one star. The 11 newly awarded star restaurants received the honour at the ceremony, including 1 two MICHELIN Star restaurants, 10 one MICHELIN Star restaurants. Besides, there were also 15 Bib Gourmand restaurants and 31 selected restaurants (formerly MICHELIN Plate). A special award – the MICHELIN Service Award – was also announced.     关于银廬 银廬自成立以来,便推出“全景式沉浸式宋宴”体验,仿宋代时各位名人汇集西园,时人做《西园雅集图》,银廬灵感汲取于此。餐厅以宋为名,还原东方精致美学为品牌理念,将“西园雅士”集于当今麓湖之上,让食客不止能体验宴乐之礼,更能极尽宴游之乐。银廬顺应古代“春生、夏长、秋收、冬藏”的烹饪理念,贯彻文人食养之道,传承与钻研古法川菜。提出将“东方古雅”重现的概念,点一盏香茗,集三两好友,列炉焚香吟诗作赋,静心品味古法川菜。在日益浮躁的当下,于麓湖寻得一方宁静,古今交融编织时代的画卷。 Since its inception, Silver Cottage has been offering a panoramic immersive Song Dynasty banquet experience. It took inspiration from the famous figure painting Xi Yuan Ya Ji Tu (Elegant Gathering in the Western Garden) by Li Gonglin of the Song Dynasty. The restaurant restores the exquisite aesthetics of the East as its brand concept,

四季更迭,而今恰是秋意绵绵,秋韵美轮美奂之时。秋天往往是分成两半的,一半萧瑟,一半灿烂。落叶带走了烦恼,枫叶的红火又承载着新的希望。斜阳映入,秋风撩拨,秋景点染。摘一片秋叶,捕一缕秋风,听一声秋雨,主厨Talib将秋天的讯息依次扣入心窝,结合初秋的淡雅,迎来深秋的斑斓,献上新一季秋季体验之旅,引领食客走遍秋色角落。 There are times when autumn is bleak, but there are also times when it is glorious. The slanting sun reflected in autumn breeze, the landscape dotted with fiery leaves, the splendid storms and marigolds, the quiet repose and sudden chills… Is not this a true autumn day? Through capturing subtle elegance and vivid radiance of the season, Chef Talib samples the best of autumn’s bounty with sensational flavors and outstanding craftsmanship. 秋季菜单 AUTUMN MENU 雪松炭烤野生海鳌虾 大连海胆 · 荞麦 · 胡萝卜 防风根 · 佛手柑醋及姜油 Wild Scampi Grilled On Cedar Dalian Sea Urchin, Buckwheat, Carrots Parsnips, Buddha Palm Vinegar & Ginger Oil 创意的食材组合带来秋日清甜之味。臻选新西兰野生海鳌虾,经炙烤烟熏后搭配新鲜海胆,柔嫩带有微微熏香。当季佛手柑点缀其中,散发柑橘清香。利用⼤连黑荞麦制成底壳,醋渍姜丁、双色胡萝卜、防风根以树叶形状浸染斑斓秋色。 A creative combination of ingredients brings out the sweetness of autumn. Wild scampi from New Zealand is roasted, smoked and paired with fresh sea urchin for a tender, slightly smoky result, and further garnished with the citrus Buddha palm vinegar. The base made of Dalian buckwheat is completed with marinated diced ginger, carrots

2022深秋,Allstar Communications食達文化攜手香港Sushi Fujimoto,傳承大師精神,貫徹日式極簡。今年初春,曾師從日本壽司大師十年之久的日籍主廚藤本健一首次獨立門戶,於香港中環開設「Sushi Fujimoto」。傳承大師哲學與技巧,秉持簡單即是最好的原則,堅持選用更溫和的米醋風格還原江戶前壽司精髓,為香港頂級壽司市場帶來一股清流。 Late Autumn of 2022, Allstar Communications surprised with its collaboration with Sushi Fujimoto in Hong Kong. In the early spring of this year, Japanese chef Kenichi Fujimoto, after training with two sushi maestros for a decade, opened his first outlet Sushi Fujimoto in Central, Hong Kong. Inheriting the philosophy and techniques of the master chefs, he champions simplicity and insists on using milder rice vinegar to restore the essence of Edomae sushi, whiffing an air of refinedness to Hong Kong’s high-end sushi market. 日本壽司大師之徒 · 後起之秀,勢如破竹 The Rising Protégé of Sushi Maestro 不同于傳統壽司廚師的培訓途徑,藤本健一第一份工作與美食毫無相關,22歲在一家中檔次壽司店工作時正式接觸壽司廚師一職,27歲加入日本壽司大師金阪真次在銀座的壽司店鮨金阪。2014年被金阪真次指派到澳門米其林一星餐廳金阪極上壽司擔任副廚,2017年到香港。 Unlike the traditional sushi chef’s training path, Kenichi Fujimoto’s career start had nothing to do with food and was introduced to the role of sushi chef at the age of 22 when he worked at a mid-range sushi restaurant, before joining Sushi Kanesaka by Japanese sushi master Shinji Kanesaka in Ginza at the age of 27. In 2014,

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