Gourmet News

After months of communication across different time zones, we are excited to announce the official cooperation with Michelin one-starred chef Luigi Taglienti. Allstar will be Mr. Luigi Taglienti’s sole agent in all cooperation negotiations and chef agency issues in Greater China.

As these years see exquisiteness and honouring local flavours gain momentum, Feng Tian Restaurant takes on traditional Liaoning cuisine with creative twists to bring an upscale experience with a setting to match.


Owner of Sliver Cottage committed to promoting Sichuan cuisine with a global vision, she has established several restaurants including Yintan, Hidden Place and Silver Pot, covering authentic seafood hot pot, traditional Sichuan cuisine and exquisite Sichuan fusion cuisine during 19 years’ time.

Masuda Rei, a disciple of Jiro Ono – widely regarded as the most respected Japanese Sushi master – this month marks the arrival of his Michelin-standard brand “Shoku-tei Sushi” into Shenzhen, China.

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